Eve's Choice

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Eve's story...


"It's not easy being Green."

- Kermit the Frog

Things have reached breaking point. Humanity needs to take action now before it is too late; record temperatures, historic droughts, flash flooding, forest fires, extreme weather, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, are all issues caused by people.

The pursuit of wealth, progress, and convenience is destroying the planet, and the blame is placed upon consumerism. Until now, the onus has been on the individual to make changes and stop being wasteful; while the large corporations wrap their products in layers of single-use plastics, use unsustainable ingredients and materials, and ship products vast distances.

Individuals do have the power to make a meaningful change. They have to vote with their wallets, but doing so takes time and effort. Only now, when hundreds of thousands of people are taking the time to make greener purchases, are big companies starting to make changes, but they’re not for the benefit of the planet. Seeing consumers take their business to smaller eco companies, who are putting in the effort to create ethical and sustainable products, is forcing them to offer greener products to protect their profits.

Offering an eco-option, while still producing vast numbers of unsustainable products, is not good enough. This is why we have started Eve’s Choice.

Eve’s Choice is designed to take the work out of making responsible choices. Eve is putting in the time and effort to catalogue beauty companies so you, the consumer, can see how ethically responsible they are. Eve is here so you can spend your money supporting companies who are investing in our planet.

Eve’s leaves are designed so you can see at a glance how eco the company really is, via Eve’s standards, and make a quick decision as to whether you want to shop with them. No more browsing websites with hundreds of different tiny graphics all saying different things, confused as to which company really resonates with you.

See the quick link to how to use Eve’s leaves below…

"In nature there is no such thing as waste."

- David Suzuki​

Eve's Leaves...

Find out how Eve’s Leaf rating works; and how it can help you find businesses that match your personal morals. 

Example Review...

Help Keep Eves Website running

Eve's Choice is the passion project of its founders

They each have full-time jobs and households to run to as well as keeping Eve’s website up to date, their dream is to work on Eve’s projects full time in order to make the planet a better place for everyone in it, and Eve’s Ko-fi page is where Eve’s Consumers can choose to help make that happen.

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