It's time to
Meet The Team...
"The secret of change is to...
focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."
‘We decided it was time for change, and it had to start with us; it was then that Eve’s Choice was born.’
Seeing the negative effects humanity has had on our planet, I feel we must try to make smarter and more ethical choices. I want to help spread these values and make being ethical the easy option.
Having spent my career to date reacting to climate change I decided I want to be proactive and work towards preventing it instead. What started as an understanding has grown into passion both professionally and personally and has motivated me to take action.
As a mother of two young girls, I am passionate about leaving the planet a better place. So, like a pebble into water, I want to make waves in the beauty industry and make ‘being green’ easier for all the other busy mums out there.