Eve's Choice

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receive up to five fig leaves...

The colour of each leaf should tell the consumer at a glance if they meet the criteria Eve has for that classification.

All requirements must be maintained throughout the business from product conception to delivery to the consumer; cradle to grave.

For the leaf ratings the company must meet the first criteria for a leaf (the lighter colour) before they can gain the upgraded leaf (the darker colour) i.e. for a company to receive the vegan leaf the products must not only be vegan but also cruelty free.


There’s more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere than at any time in human history.

The 2021 February & March measurements from the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii – the world’s oldest continuous CO2 monitoring station – showed that for several days atmospheric CO2  levels exceeded 417 parts per million (ppm), pre-industrial levels were about 278ppm. As a result, 2021 is expected to be the first year on record that sees CO2 levels that are more than 50% above pre-industrial levels (1750-1800).

Data taken from: Carbon Brief website.


An estimated 92.1 million animals were used for scientific purposes worldwide in 2015.

The top 10* animal testing countries in the world are China (20.5 million), Japan (15.0 million), the United States (15.6 million),  Canada (3.6 million), Australia (3.2 million), South Korea (3.1 million), the United Kingdom (2.6 million), Brazil (2.2 million), Germany (2.0 million) and France (1.9 million), in that order.


Data taken from: Cruelty Free International website.

There’s more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere than at any time in human history.

The 2021 February & March measurements from the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii – the world’s oldest continuous CO2 monitoring station – showed that for several days atmospheric CO2  levels exceeded 417 parts per million (ppm), pre-industrial levels were about 278ppm. As a result, 2021 is expected to be the first year on record that sees CO2 levels that are more than 50% above pre-industrial levels (1750-1800).

An estimated 92.1 million animals were used for scientific purposes worldwide in 2015.

The top 10* animal testing countries in the world are China (20.5 million), Japan (15.0 million), the United States (15.6 million),  Canada (3.6 million), Australia (3.2 million), South Korea (3.1 million), the United Kingdom (2.6 million), Brazil (2.2 million), Germany (2.0 million) and France (1.9 million), in that order.

Data taken from: Carbon Brief website.


Data taken from: Cruelty Free International website.


A staggering 91% of plastic isn’t recycled.

Sixty years ago the mass production of plastics accelerated so rapidly that 8.3 billion metric tons has been created in that time, most of which is single-use products that end up as waste. this number is so large that the scientists who conducted the world’s first tally were horrified by the sheer size of the numbers. the prediction that by mid-century, the oceans will contain more plastic waste than fish, ton for ton, has become one of the most-quoted statistics as a rallying cry to do something about it.

Data taken from: National Geographic website.


An estimated 40 million people are thought to be trapped in modern slavery worldwide.

Of that number 1 in 4 are believed to be children, and almost three quarters (71%) are thought to be women and girls. Modern slavery takes many forms including human trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage/bonded labour (the worlds most widespread form of slavery), descent-based slavery (where people are treated as property and their children are born into slavery), child slavery, and forced and early marriage.

Data taken from: Anti-Slavery website.

A staggering 91% of plastic isn’t recycled.

Sixty years ago the mass production of plastics accelerated so rapidly that 8.3 billion metric tons has been created in that time, most of which is single-use products that end up as waste. this number is so large that the scientists who conducted the world’s first tally were horrified by the sheer size of the numbers. the prediction that by mid-century, the oceans will contain more plastic waste than fish, ton for ton, has become one of the most-quoted statistics as a rallying cry to do something about it.

An estimated 40 million people are thought to be trapped in modern slavery worldwide.

Of that number 1 in 4 are believed to be children, and almost three quarters (71%) are thought to be women and girls. Modern slavery takes many forms including human trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage/bonded labour (the worlds most widespread form of slavery), descent-based slavery (where people are treated as property and their children are born into slavery), child slavery, and forced and early marriage.

Data taken from: National Geographic website.

Data taken from: Anti-Slavery website.


In 100 years, there will be no rainforests left*.

Rainforests cove 6% of the world’s surface, but contain more than 50% of the plant and animal species on Earth. An area of rainforest measuring 4 square miles can contain as many as 1,500 flowering plants, 400 species of birds, 750 species of trees, and 150 species of butterflies. Humans fell one and a half acres of forest every second.

*according to NASA

Data taken from: Conserve Energy Future website


According to 2019 data, 13.8% of the Uk population is a minority ethnic group (MEG), but they only account for 5% of SME employers, and 4% of SMEs without employees. 50.59% of the UK population is female, but only 15% of SME employers, and 23% of SMEs without employees are female led. 

In 100 years, there will be no rainforests left*.

Rainforests cove 6% of the world’s surface, but contain more than 50% of the plant and animal species on Earth. An area of rainforest measuring 4 square miles can contain as many as 1,500 flowering plants, 400 species of birds, 750 species of trees, and 150 species of butterflies. Humans fell one and a half acres of forest every second.

According to 2019 data, 13.8% of the Uk population is a minority ethnic group (MEG), but they only account for 5% of SME employers, and 4% of SMEs without employees. 50.59% of the UK population is female, but only 15% of SME employers, and 23% of SMEs without employees are female led. 

*according to NASA

Data taken from: Conserve Energy Future website

On Eve’s website each business reviewed will receive one of the following labels denoting the size of the company based on the number of employees or turnover (whichever is higher), as well as a country code to note where the main production of its products happens.

On Eve’s website each business reviewed will receive one to five £ denoting the price range of the companies products based on a single item i.e. for skincare the item would be the basic moisturiser (per 100ml), and for makeup it would be the basic foundation (per 100ml), with one £ being low and five £ being high.


On Eve’s website each business reviewed will receive one of the following labels denoting the size of the company based on the number of employees or turnover (whichever is higher), as well as a country code to note where the main production of its products happens.


On Eve’s website each business reviewed will receive one to five £ denoting the price range of the companies products based on a single item i.e. for skincare the item would be the basic moisturiser (per 100ml), and for makeup it would be the basic foundation (per 100ml), with one £ being low and five £ being high.



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